What is Spawtz?
Spawtz is where you can find all our fixtures and results, where you could pay for leagues, events and kit, and provide your availability for upcoming matches.

The option to change your team name is only available to team organisers. To become a team organiser, ask your current team organiser to log into their account, and change your status from regular player to team organiser. Alternatively, contact your local region and we can make this change for you. To change the team name log in to your account, then click on my teams, find the team you wish to rename, and next to the team name will be a hyperlink saying “rename this team”. Change the team name and then click on update, to save the changes.
Log in to your account, if you have forgotten your password you can ask for a password reminder to be sent to your email account. Then click on my statement, and scroll to the bottom of the page to get to your personal statement. Above your personal statement will be the statements of any teams you belong to. This is where you can make part payments against your team fees.
Click on make a payment for this bill, enter the amount you wish to pay and click make payment. You can enter your card details securely.
Each week before your fixture you will receive a reminder email. On this you will have details of your fixture time and who you are playing. The email will allow you to indicate that you are available or unavailable for the match. Your team organiser will get a notification as soon as you click on the link.
If you haven’t received a reminder email that you believe was due, please check your email spam folder first in case it has gone there.
You can also indicate your availability for any scheduled matches by logging in to your account, and clicking on the calendar link in the control panel at the top of the page.
Most teams also have a WhatsApp group to keep track of who is playing weekly and for plenty of banter between games!