Create a Tag Rugby Team

Everything you need to know to create your own team

How to start your own team

Ask your friends and family
Tag Rugby is a great way to meet up with old friends from school or University on a regular basis and because you are taking part in an outdoor, social activity, you will all benefit from a fitness point of view as well!

Ask your work colleagues
A large number of Tag Rugby teams play with their company’s backing and support. Tag Rugby is a great team building exercise and an excellent way for everyone to get out of the office for a bit of fun and socialising.

Ask your teammates from other sports
In recent years, various sports teams such as Rugby League, Rugby Union, Touch Rugby, Football, Netball, Australian Rules Football, Gaelic Football, Hurling, Basketball, Hockey, and even Dodgeball have played Tag Rugby to keep them in shape during their off-season.

Put a message on your social media or message everyone in your contacts
With a little bit of effort it’s not hard to find enough players to form a team, you can also post on local Facebook groups or on a website like Meetup or Gumtree.

Or just register with a small group of friends and we’ll match you up with other individual players. You’ll then have the basis of a team ongoing, which you can top up with people from your networks.

How many players on a team?

Tag Rugby can be played on pitches of varying sizes, with varying numbers of players per side. The number of players on the pitch for each league is always noted on our website.

The various formats we offer and male / female split for mixed leagues is as follows:
8-a-side – four males (maximum) and four females
7-a-side – four males (maximum) and three females
6-a-side – three males (maximum) and three females
5-a-side – three males (maximum) and two females

The ideal number of players in your squad will vary depending on the commitment of your players. Generally we have found that most 7-a-side teams have a squad of around 12 players, having 7 male and 5 females. But if your players are highly committed, very fit and not wanting to spend time on the substitute’s bench you may wish to enter with a smaller squad.

What does a team organiser have to do?

The team organiser is the person responsible for entering a team into a league, making sure the team has enough available players each week, collecting team fees off each player and arranging payment of the league fees. The team organiser can also receive a summary of player availability from the weekly availability emails sent out to each player. Each team is allowed as many team organisers as they wish, and team organising duties can be shared amongst a team or changed from season to season.

Registering a team for a league

1. Visit the Join a League page from the website menu and find your league of choice.
2. Click “Register Team”.
3. If you are not currently logged in or you don’t currently have an account the next screen will allow you to log in or click the “Create an Account” link below the Login button.
4. Enter your team name to create a new team or if you already have a team, you can select a team to re-register from the list.
5. Select the button to pay either the £100 deposit or the full league fee.
6. Enter your payment details and click “Pay Now”.

7. You will be automatically sent an email to the email address associated to your TTR account. If you have just created your account then you will need to open this email and follow the instructions to confirm your email address.
8.Follow the link and add players to your squad. Click on proceed.

That’s it! You are finished and your team is now registered in a league.

If you have any special requests such as the need for extra players or kick-off time preferences, please contact your local region at least one week before your league is due to begin. If correspondence is received later than one week prior to the league beginning, it’s unlikely we will be able to help you.