Players will not be permitted to register for two or more teams within the same league unless a formal request has been approved by TTR. Requests must be made no later than one week before the league kicks off and can be submitted by emailing info@trytagrugby.com.
**Please read the below carefully and consider the validity of your request before submitting. Simply wanting to play in two mixed gender fixtures on the same day will not be accepted as a valid reason for approval.**
What are the reasons for this change?
- As demand for our leagues continues to grow, we generally discourage individuals from registering for two teams within the same league in order to make our leagues more accessible to new players
- We want to avoid situations where interested players are turned away from leagues wherein other players are afforded the opportunity to play twice
- Some of our leagues have become over-reliant on dual registered players which in turn drives up the standard of the league and makes it more difficult and intimidating for new players to join
- We want to allow fairer access for all interested players across our leagues and ultimately foster a more inclusive playing environment
What if this change negatively impacts my team?
- We may temporarily allow dual registrations under certain circumstances if we deem it beneficial to the overall development of the relevant league
- Under most circumstances, teams involved in any dual registration requests will need to provide evidence that an earnest effort has been made to recruit players from outside of the league to fill any available roster spots
New players may be recruited through the following methods:
– Contacting social/professional circles of current players on squad
– Posting on relevant public Facebook groups or websites (TTR, Aussies in London, Kiwis in London, Irish in London, groups specific to the local area, Meetup, Gumtree sports partners, etc.)
– Asking TTR for assistance; Email in a request for extra players at least one week before league kick-off. - Players will still be permitted to register for a mixed gender team and a single gender team under circumstances where each division plays on the same day at the same venue.
- Players on all female squads may still be permitted to register for another mixed squad within the same mixed league, provided a female only league is not available at the relevant venue/day. Under such circumstances a request for approval must still be submitted as per the above.