The Inaugural Thames Valley Origin Series will take place on Saturday 28th October 2023 in Reading and the Saturday 4th November 2023 in Oxford.

The Thames Valley Origin series is a chance for the Tag Rugby players in Oxford and Reading to battle it out in a good old State of Origin fashion; mate against mate, to see which side reigns supreme.

The format will be played over two weekends. Each region will need to have a minimum of two mixed teams: Selected and Social, if there is space then additional formats such as Men’s, Women’s and Mixed 35s will be added.

National representative players cannot play for the Social Team unless prior permission is given. Each team will compete across three 30-minute matches on each day, so in total six matches.

This will become an annual series, with the winners hosting the following year.

Thames Valley Franchise Manager, Roger Rebelo said: “With the continued success and growth in Thames Valley, especially in Oxford who have only been playing for four years, we feel the time is right for a friendly rivalry between Oxford and Reading, and is there a better way than a State of Origin Series?

“Our players are excited for another fun day of Tag Rugby against their friends in the region and it will be a great day for each region to showcase their talents on and off the pitch. Personally, as the Franchise Manager, being able to put an event like State of Origin together for Oxford and Reading will be an immensely proud moment of my time so far in Thames Valley and a great reward to the players involved.”

All players in the region have been emailed details for the series, so check your emails or contact for further details.